Advanced Research on Human Behavior

Mangold Observation Studio
The future of multimodal human behavior research

The Future of Multimodal Research

Experience the versatility of multimodal data collection and analysis with Mangold Observation Studio - The most comprehensive software suite for sophisticated observational studies.

Mangold Observation Studio Software Key Features*

Central control of the entire application in the network.

Fast configuration through intelligent network communication.

Easy management and playback of all recordings.

Surveys and checklists can be integrated.

Any number of test subjects can be recorded simultaneously.

Markers and comments can be recorded live and retrospectively.

Fast data playback through sequence control via markers.

Flow control of studies via stimulus presentation system.

Easy data exchange with other applications possible.

Flexible window management for an optimal overview.

Connection to other systems possible via API / SDK.

*) Functionality dependent on system performance and license scope

Answer Research Questions Faster and

More Comprehensively

This innovative software revolutionizes the way qualitative and quantitative studies are conducted, making them easier and more efficient than ever before. With advanced features and intuitive operation, it is the perfect solution for demanding research projects.

Dive deeper, uncover hidden patterns and gain comprehensive insights with our innovative solution.

Whether it is human factors, UX and usability studies, psychological experiments, neurosciences or observations in any other application environment, Mangold Observation Studio is the ideal all-in-one software system for your research project.

Its integrated analysis modules help to interpret the data. For example, the Emotionalyzer module uses AI to calculate all basic emotions based on the recorded face. The heart rate variability can be determined by analyzing heart data, and the arousal state of the participants can be determined via the skin conductance, allowing to better understand their current situation.

Record and Manage all Your Data in a Single Application


Two components, one smart solution

Enjoy the clever combination of cutting-edge technology and an intuitive, powerful user interface. Mangold Observation Studio is the solution you need to achieve your goals with ease.

Mangold Observation Studio Core

The central management software displays and records all data streams in real time.

This allows you to record the data of several participants simultaneously or independently of each other, making the system scalable and future-proof.

Participant Station

The Participant Station software collects all data for each user and sends it live to the central management software in the network.

Any number of Participant Stations can run in the network. 

Mangold Participant Station Software

Capturing emotions via AI Analysis of facial expressions

Capturing webcams and other video sources.

Capturing the user‘s computer screens.

Acquisition of EEG data for extensive research projects.

Acquisition of eye tracking video and data.

Acquisition of heart rate with IBI and HRV calculation.

Acquisition of skin resistance to measure arousal.

Acquisition of muscle activity to measure physical stress.

Acquisition of meta-information via surveys and forms.

AI-supported transcription of conversations for fast results.

Exporting recorded data for other systems is quick and easy.

And other LSL data streams from fNIRS, motion, marker systems...

In order to use the full function of the system, additional components from other manufacturers are required.

Open System Design

Modular and flexibel

Mangold Observation Studio can be configured with different modules to suit your needs. This ensures the greatest possible flexibility and expandability. The system can grow with your changing needs and requirements.

Observation Studio Module

Mangold Observation Studio supports more than 120 Sensors and Devices via the LSL protocol**.

Electrophysiology / EEG / fNIRS / Eye Tracking / Human-Machine-Interfaces / Motion Trackers / Stimulus Systems and more:

ABM, AMTI, ANT, Artinis, BioSemi, bitalino, Bitbrain, Bittium NeurOne, Blackrock Cerebus, Brain Products, BrainVision, CGX, Cognionics, Cortivision, EB Neuro, EGI AmpServer, Emotiv, Enobio, Eye Tribe, EyeLogic, EyeTechDS,, g.Tec, GowerLabs, HTC Vive Eye, mBrainTrain, Mentalab Explore, Microsoft Kinect, MindWare, NaturalPoint, Neuracle NeuroHub, NeuroBehavioralSystems, neuroelectrics, Neuroscan, Neurosity Notion, NIRx, OpenBCI, OpenVR, PhaseSpace, Pupil-Labs, Qualisys, Shimmer, SMI, Soterix, SR Research, Starcat, Tobii, Wearable Sensing, Xsens, Zephyr.

** Compatibility must be checked on a case-by-case basis due to ongoing product changes.

One Solution - Unlimited Applications

The Mangold Observation Studio is the ultimate multifunctional and modular system with endless application possibilities. It can be used to realize a wide variety of projects, from basic research to marketing and industrial applications.

Observation Studio Anwendungsgebiete





Team research

User experience



Sports science



Games research



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Pascal Mangold

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