Mangold Observation Studio in UX and Usability Studies

Mangold Observation Studio is the ideal software suite for multimodal recording of physiological data and behavioural reactions in user experience and usability studies.

Benefits of multimodal data acquisition and analysis with the Mangold Observation Studio

Benutzerfreundlichkeit mobile Anwendung

Usability test for mobile applications

When testing the usability of a newly developed mobile application, the Observation Studio software suite is used, which is able to simultaneously record touchscreen interactions, facial expressions and attention patterns of users while they are using the mobile app.

This comprehensive data collection enables precise analyses to identify usability problems. By analysing the collected data, weak points in the app interface can be identified. The findings from this analysis serve as the basis for targeted improvements aimed at optimising the usability of the mobile application. Overall, the Observation Studio helps to ensure a smooth and efficient user experience on the mobile platform.

User-friendliness of online shops

Mangold Observation Studio is also used to carry out usability tests on online shopping platforms. The software not only records interactions, but also mouse movements and facial expressions of users during the shopping process on the platform.

The comprehensive data collection enables an in-depth analysis of user behaviour, which provides a comprehensive understanding of their needs and difficulties when shopping. The results obtained serve as the basis for targeted measures to increase the user-friendliness of the online shopping platform.

Overall, the Observation Studio software suite helps to create an optimal and user-centred shopping experience and to increase efficiency and user satisfaction.

Usability Online-Shopping
Usability Unternehmenssoftware

User-friendliness of business software

Mangold Observation Studio is used to evaluate the user-friendliness of business software. This software suite enables the recording of users' screen activities and facial expressions while using business software applications.

The comprehensive data collection provides a detailed insight into the behaviour of users and their emotional reactions while interacting with the software. Experts analyse this collected data to identify potential usability challenges and optimise the user interface on this basis.

The aim is to increase the efficiency of the software and improve the overall benefit for users. The Observation Studio therefore acts as a valuable tool for the iterative further development of company software with a view to optimising user-friendliness.

Evaluating the accessibility of a website

The Mangold Observation Studio is used to check the accessibility of a website, particularly with regard to the needs of people with different abilities.

It enables the recording of interactions of users with different abilities and records how they react to accessible functions of the website.

The comprehensive data collection provides insights into the use of the website by people with different needs, including any interaction challenges.

By analysing the collected data, targeted insights are gained that are used to optimise the website for a broad target group.

The aim is to make adjustments and improvements to ensure that the website is accessible to all users and provides an inclusive online experience.

Mangold Observation Studio therefore acts as a critical tool to drive website accessibility and meet the needs of a diverse user base.

Barrierefreiheit auf Webseiten

To improve the user experience of online ads, the Observation Studio software integrates eye-tracking technology to analyse the user's eye movements while using the website.

This specific eye-tracking data enables a precise analysis of users' visual behaviour when interacting with online content. The information collected is used specifically to optimise the placement of advertisements and improve the visual hierarchy on the website. By analysing the eye-tracking data, informed decisions can be made to optimise the user experience in relation to online ads.

Mangold Observation Studio thus acts as a crucial tool to increase the effectiveness of online ads by drawing on precise insights into user behaviour and making targeted adjustments on this basis.

Use in product and market research

When evaluating the user-friendliness and ergonomics of a new physical product, the Mangold Observation Studio software is used as a central instrument for recording the physical interactions and facial expressions of users while using the product. Data is collected in relation to handling, ergonomics and the emotional reactions of users.

The information collected is thoroughly analysed in order to gain precise insights into the user experience. The resulting findings flow directly into the design process of the product to maximise its user-friendliness and optimise ergonomics.

Mangold Observation Studio thus enables evidence-based product design in which the physical interactions and emotional aspects of the user play a central role. Overall, the software helps to create a product that is not only functional, but also fulfils the needs and expectations of the user.

Ergonomie Kopfhörer

More information about Mangold Observation Studio

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Whether for usability research, human-computer interaction, team research, market research, parent-child interaction studies, youth research, design thinking, strategic thinking, feedback and training, medical simulation and much more. ...

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